
Everyday Leadership

When Life Hits Hard, How Do You Sustain Your Leadership?

Reading time: 2 minutes 

As a Leader You Get Particularly Challenged When Life is Difficult

Maybe you’re in the middle of a tough divorce. Maybe a loved one passed away. Or may something else is troubling for you. No matter what the reason is, there are times when the last thing you want is to shoulder more weight or more responsibility.

But your job requires that you do. Because you’re a leader.

So, while your employees are likely to understand and sympathize with you when your personal lif…

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Why Focus on Leadership Deliverables?

Reading time: 3 minutes 

Leadership Surveys Repeatedly Reveal a Deep-Rooted Problem

Over and over leadership surveys and employee satisfaction measurements show that leaders are not perceived as visible and engaging. As a result employees feel ignored while their leaders are uncertain about what to do.  

With the concept of leadership deliverables we provide the tools that allow visible and engaging leadership.

What are Leadership Deliverables?

Leadership deliverables are the substance o…

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The Direct Leadership® Model

Reading time: 4 minutes

Leadership Deliverables is the Essense of the Model

In essence The Direct Leadership® Model explains the leadership deliverables that need to be mastered for a leader to effectively lead his/her staff. The leadership deliverables are designed to engage and motivate employees and create visible and present everyday leadership.

Everyday Operational Leadership 

The Direct Leadership® Model defines a leadership narrative (which equals a job description) by means of a set…

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