Individual Decision
Choosing Training for Yourself
Looking to improve your own leadership practice? To engage and motivate your employees? We know what it requires. And our approach to leadership leads to immediate positive change among your employees.
All our leadership programs aim to:
- Increase your attention to the day-to-day leadership opportunities
- Make you aware of each of your roles in relation to your reports
- Teach you to master the three essential action styles of initiator, coach and referee
Unlike consultants who preach that training leaders requires days, we recommend that you start small. For instance by choosing one or more of our "Leadership Sprints" - our ultra-short, highly intensive “injections” of new leadership insights.
Or by taking our self-assessment and go through your results with a coach, who will help you identify what to do if you need to reinforce your day-to-day leadership.
Later, if you want to expand or deepen your learning, you can always choose to do so. We also offer online/self-directed programs, longer programs or hybrids of Do:Leadership and other content. Just reach out to us, and we'll identify the program that fits your needs.
Be a Successful Leader
Leadership is not difficult - if you know what to do

Step 1: Learn to transfer your existing competencies into visible and engaging leadership
Know exactly what you need to deliver and what handles you have at your disposal.
Join one of the intensive Do:Leadership Sprint programs (all they require is 3x2 hours of your time)
Get in touch with us and we'll help you choose the best program or your local Do:Leadership® Facilitator.

Step 2: Assess Your Leadership Delivery
In which areas do you already excel?
In which do you need to improve?
Find out by taking a Do:Leadership Mastery Test.

Step 3: Learn-by-Doing and See the Results
Do:Leadership® is learning-by-doing.
Understand the method and get a practical set of handles that are just waiting for you to turn.
Be ready to start applying the Do:Leadership method when the next leadership opportunity appears on your radar: Catch that opportunity - Assess the leadership responsibility involved - and Select how you want to approach the employee(s) involved.
The results are certain to show up whether you choose to take another Do:Leadership Mastery Test or wait for the next employee satisfaction survey.
Do:Leadership™ is a mindset
A mindset that defines how you interact with people, when you’ve been selected to lead them.
The cornerstone of this mindset ...
... is that your job is to help.
Help your employees and coworkers perform and thrive.
Doing so is equally on-demand and intention driven.
You provide leadership, when the demand arises.
And when you do, you choose your focus and your behavior according to what you intend to achieve.
Do:Leadership™ is a model
Leaders are seldomly well prepared to the actual day-to-day elements of day-to-day people leadership. So, we’ve placed...
... the leader’s day-to-day work under a microscope and identified two different sets of competencies:
- 7 roles (areas of responsibility)
- 4 styles (ways to interact with employees)
No matter if the organization is implementing a new strategy, dealing with change and disruption or on-boarding a new generation of employees. With this model and the accompanying tools a) you'll be fully equipped to grapple with whatever day-to-day challenges come your way and b) your employees and bosses may rely on you to know, what it takes to guide and support your staff
Do:Leadership™ is a method
We also call it the CATCH-ASSESS-SELECT method:
The Do:Leadership method says that you should:
- CATCH the leadership opportunities on your radar
- ASSESS what work perspectives are involved
- SELECT an intervention approach
The result? Clear and consistent leadership action!
See our Programs?
Our Do:Leadership Sprints
- if you're looking for a quick-and-intensive injection of new inspiration
A Do:leadership sprint is a highly intensive training, composed of two or three modules each lasting only 2 hours. They may be delivered as face-to-face programs or webinars. And they are perfect, if you're someone who simply wants the facts and feel confident that if you like what you see, you'll have no problem with implementing it on your own.
If that description fits you, the sprints are what you're looking for. Quick and intensive, yet still including instructions in how to turn your new-found insights into new habits and daily leadership practice.
Here's a list of the Sprints we're offering:
- Being Leader is Doing Leadership- 3 modules
- Leading Project Teams - 3 modules
- Self-Leadership - 2 modules
- The New Leader - 3 modules
- Trim your Team (yes, teambuilding can also be intensive) - 3 modules for actual teams
- Leading Other Leaders - 2 modules
Note! Our Do:Leadership Sprints Calendar for the next few months is full, but send us a note, and we'll notify you when we're ready to take Do:Leadership Sprint bookings again.
Test Yourself and Let's Help You Analyse the Results
Answer 66 simple questions and get a report in return that tells you:
- To what degree you're paying attention to the day-to-day leadership opportunities
- How aware you are of each facet of the leader's roles in relation to your employees
- If you master the three essential action styles of initiator, coach and referee
Buy a few hours of coaching to analyse the results and set you on the track to Do:ing better leadership.
Our Longer Programs
If you wish to expand your understanding of leadership opportunities, roles and action styles beyond the Do:Leadership Sprints or the Self-Assessment, we offer two fully-online, self-paced programs:
- Direct Leadership Essentials (2 days classroom or 1/2 to 1/1 day online)
- Remote Direct Leadership - a crash course (1/2 day classroom or 2-hours online)
You can reach us at +4522120787 (Karin Zastrow) or +4553760888 (Hanne Roulund) or on